What does the ending scene in the movie Basic Instinct actually …
The last scene is to clear up who the killer is. In the end Catherine Tramell tries to pick up the ice pick in the sex scene which is her murder tool from the first kill, which signifies that she was the killer from the start.
Did cunnilingus actually happen in Basic Instinct?
Oct 27, 2014 · In Basic Instinct, it seemed to me that rather using awkward props or various ways to fake it, it would have been logistically simpler if cunnilingus had actually taken place between Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone. Plus, it's not full penetrative sex and the actors' emotions and reactions would have been authentic.
In Basic Instinct, why didn't Beth take her hand out of her pocket?
Jan 16, 2025 · Near the end of Basic Instinct, Nick finds Gus dying in the elevator, then sees Beth. I am not asking why he shot her : he believed he was in legitimate defense, since she was seemingly pointing a weapon at him inside her pocket (it was in fact a toy). My question is, (with details in the spoiler below)
Why did Nick kill Beth Garner in "Basic Instinct"?
Aug 5, 2021 · When I first saw Basic Instinct, I thought "it is a simple story, Cat framed Beth" but after seeing it recently, now I see there was a murder coven and Cat wanted out. Nick had no idea, he was played by all of them in a twisted fantasy game. Spoilers for Vertigo: So it plays like a happy ending version of Vertigo.
Was the "leg crossing scene" in Basic Instinct real?
Jul 24, 2016 · Note that Stone has never been terribly shy about doing nude scenes -- the part in Basic Instinct was offered to her largely because she had done a spread in Playboy earlier that year, and she has appeared at least topless in a number of other equally high profile films (Casino, Total Recall, The Quick and the Dead), as well as the less ...
What is the point of the interrogations in the movie "Basic"?
Jun 10, 2016 · My questions regard the movie Basic. Since at the end we find out that: Section 8 is actually a black-ops anti-drug unit led by Tom Hardy (who is addressed as "Colonel"). The "Section-8" insane-mercenary story is a cover to spook the cartels.
What is the actual meaning of the film "The Lobster"?
Dec 29, 2016 · The Lobster is a film with hidden meaning, which seems to be a satire commenting on the structure of relationships in society. In the film, single people are sent to a special hotel, where they h...
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What rules govern how TV show opening credits are structured?
Being billed last, however, is also considered a key position, as long as it is somehow differentiated from the rest of the cast. For example, in the Buffy TV show, Anthony Stewart Head (arguably the most "famous" cast member prior to the show) was billed as "and Anthony Stewart Head as Giles" - the only cast member whose character was named.
Comedy movie about a guy who is trying to get enough money to …
Nov 26, 2024 · Later that night, Paul takes a cab to Marcy's downtown apartment. His $20 bill flying out the window during the ride portends the unexpected night he has. He cannot pay for the ride and finds himself in a series of awkward, surreal and life-threatening situations with a colorful cast of characters.