SAL pelletteria vede il baratro, ma non si arrende alla crisi: così i giovanissimi fratelli Laino (Napoli) vogliono restare ...
Esprit non sa che fine farà e Deichmann si inserisce nei giochi per i diritti di marchio e non per le azioni operative della ...
We tell you all about what will happen at Lineapelle 104, from 17 to 19 September at Fiera Milano Rho with 1,259 exhibitors ...
Increasingly slow consumption of luxury goods in China: designer labels and large groups see black in the stock market, Ralph ...
Fast fashion must elevate itself and rely on those who know luxury: the latest moves by Zara (Inditex group) and Uniqlo prove ...
After a decade, ostrich leather is coming back, and this time, without the “grandmotherly” allure of wealthy circles. Because ...
Another little Volkswagen fails, but thinks about replacing the skin: certain communication short-circuits seem like smoke in ...
The boom in vegan alternatives to leather is reminiscent of Gaber's song: today no, tomorrow maybe, the day after tomorrow ...
Approaching new markets and benefiting the reshoring from China. Calzados Bonadona is a shoe manufacturer based in Cehegìn, ...
CEO Pietro Beccari explains why Louis Vuitton invests so much in sport: in the summer of 2024 it is a partner of the Olympics ...
China's electric car boom is in the skin: lucky them. Why do we, on the other hand, have to suffer the waste of vegan ...
Il corso sostenuto da Brioni in Abruzzo per addetti alla confezioni tessile-abbigliamento e la grande domanda sulla ...