Ilya Matveev discusses the two logics of imperialism, how they help us explain the different paths that China and Russia took ...
On intimidation, terrorism, asymmetric war, deterrence, counter-deterrence, and the Dahiya doctrine in the ongoing Israeli ...
Gilbert Achcar provides an overview of the complex political situation in the Middle East, situating it within the context of ...
First published at Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. The ascent of the far right has become a commanding fact of European political ...
The far right is a form of backlash against the energies with which we subalterns are starting to change the world. It reacts ...
Debates over whether Russia’s current decoupling from the West and pivot to China constitutes a real delinking from the ...
Capitalism in the Twenty-first Century Through the Prism of Value’ aims to explain 21st-century capitalism through Karl ...
This special online conference in Kagarlitsky’s honour will address the double aspect of his contribution: his wide-ranging analysis of the left’s dilemmas; and his resistance to the authoritarianism ...