Predicción meteorológica en España a través de informes y mapas interactivos con las previsiones para todas las estaciones de la red estatal de la AEMET. Consulta el tiempo previsto para hoy, mañana y ...
Predicción meteorológica en España a través de informes y mapas interactivos con las previsiones para todas las estaciones de la red estatal de la AEMET. Consulta el tiempo previsto para hoy, mañana y ...
Predicción meteorológica en España a través de informes y mapas interactivos con las previsiones para todas las estaciones de la red estatal de la AEMET. Consulta el tiempo previsto para hoy, mañana y ...
The origin price of Gallo Fish (Lepidorhombus boscii) along the week from 21 to 27 of March 2011 reached the 4.1 euros per kilogram, which meant a increase of 2.5% in relation to price of the previous ...
La Zona de Importancia Comunitaria ZIC (ZEPA/ZEC) de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas cuenta con 209.929,92 hectáreas protegidas, goza de la declaración de Zona de Importancia Comunitaria ...
The origin price of Pork First meat along the week from 3 to 9 of July 2023 reached the 2.49 euros per kilogram, which meant an increase of 0.4% in relation to price of the previous week, that was ...
Diccionario de términos agroalimentarios y medioambientales. Traducciones a diversos idiomas como el inglés, francés, ruso, italiano, portugués, holandés o alemán. Sinónimos, topónimos y localismos, ...
The origin price of Pork First meat along the week from 6 to 12 of July 2020 reached the 1.62 euros per kilogram, remaining unchanged with respect to the price of the previous week. This 1.62€/kg are ...
The FAO Cereal Price Index of the month of June 2020 reached the 97.3 points, which meant a decline of -0.71% in relation to previous mensual index of May, that was 98 points (-0.7 pts), and was ...
The wholesale price of Trout along the week from 24 to 30 of December 2018 reached the 4.77 euros per kilogram, which meant an increase of 11.45% in relation to price of the previous week, that was ...
The origin price of Veal, First A meat along the week from 9 to 15 of December 2013 reached the 4.11 euros per kilogram, which meant an increase of 0.49% in relation to price of the previous week, ...