Tambak udang vaname di Desa Tinjul, Lingga, berkembang pesat dengan 45 kolam. Hasil panen diekspor ke Singapura, mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional.
During a cabinet-wide meeting and iftar event, Mr. Prabowo ordered ministers and state agency heads to expedite the rollout ...
As President Prabowo Subianto steers closer to China, Paul Keating said: "No country is more important to Australia than ...
Indonesia is set to launch more than 20 energy projects in 2025, with total investment of around $40 billion, as part of ...
The carrier said flights from Bangkok to the north-western town of Mae Hong Son because smog was expected to make visibility ...
Meski tak nampak di muka publik, Megawati Soekarnoputri dan Prabowo Subianto nyatanya masih menjaga hubungan di balik layar.
Ketahanan energi adalah sebuah gambaran sampai sejauh mana energi dapat disediakan secara tepat waktu dan terjamin ...
The cooperation between inventors and investors aims to promote high-quality health products and services, including ...
The country aims to reduce LPG imports by processing low-rank coal, with Danantara Indonesia supporting projects in South ...
The Democracy index is based on electoral processes, government functioning, political participation, political culture, and ...
Indeks demokrasi memperhitungkan proses pemilihan dan pluralisme, fungsi pemerintahan, partisipasi politik, budaya politik, ...
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Langit yang sempat mendung di atas pabrik PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk (Sritex) kini mulai ...