In 1941, more than 2,300 British cadets trained as pilots during World War II at Mesa’s Falcon Field Airport. Recently, the ...
Falcon Field Airport honors WWII RAF cadets with a replica plaque presented by the Arizona Aviation Historical Group.
Mesa police are investigating a plane crash Thursday afternoon after a plane went down about a quarter-mile away from Falcon Field.
Both the pilot and passenger walked away from of a small plane crash outside of Falcon Field in Mesa but residents who live ...
Neighbors are concenred after two planes went down recently while leaving Falcon Field Airport in Mesa. Posted: December 20, ...
According to Mesa police, a plane took off from the airport before going down about a quarter-mile away in the orange groves ...
This is the second plane crash near Falcon Field Airport in the last two months. On Nov. 5, a small plane crashed on ...
A small plane narrowly missed multiple homes and crashed onto a dirt road shortly after takeoff from Falcon Field in Mesa, ...
MESA, AZ (AZFamily) — Two people were not hurt after their plane suffered a mechanical issue and crashed before getting to ...
Nonetheless, the most recent, comprehensive data on youth weight status in Colorado — the 2019 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey — reported that 24.2% of Mesa County youth were overweight or obese.
PHOENIX — The Falcon Field Airport in Mesa announced the opening of a new taxiway that’s meant to shorten the time planes are on the runway and support expansion of the facility. Taxiway G ...
According to the police department, they were sent to the 6900 block of Mesa Ridge Parkway for a crash involving two vehicles. "One of the passengers was transported to an area hospital where they ...