On March 27, 2024, the Italian legislature enacted reforms to attract new investors to the Italian capital markets and ...
Mario Draghi outlined his plan to improve Europe’s competitiveness through closer cooperation in critical areas and ...
Ekaterina Zaharieva is yet to start work as the EU's new startup commissioner, but tensions are already rising around her ...
There are several important points in Mario Draghi's EU competitiveness boosting report, Palazzo Chigi said after Premier ...
The European Union's regulatory policies are hindering AI innovation, potentially allowing the UK to take the lead in this ...
ROME, SEP 18 - Last week, the long anticipated report of former Italian Prime Minister and former European Central Bank boss ...
To catch up with the US economically, Europe will have to become more like the US, Mario Draghi hinted in his report on the ...
Lithuanian commissioner hopeful Andrius Kubilius told Euronews he's urgently looking to raise billions - including via the ...
Plus: a Chinese sex trafficking case in Serbia, Chinese expands its global policing push, Xi plans to visit Russia for BRICS, ...
A report on the “future of European competitiveness” has been received as a declaration of continental intent. Whether it can ...
Mario Draghi has sparked a conversation on increasing the EU's borrowing programme, but one about repayment needs to come ...
Mario Draghi‘s report “is a wake-up call for the EU to shed its state of innocence and take action in the face of the loss of ...