At its core, “Twilight” revolves around Bella Swan, a seemingly uninteresting, quiet and awkward teenager, a relatable feeling for anyone who survived high school, living in Forks, Washington, the ...
ColourPop's new Twilight makeup collection celebrates New Moon. This sparkly product line has something for werewolves and ...
Featuring a grotesque vampire, stunning visuals and an over-the-top German accent, this is a movie you can’t help but take a ...
Recreate Bella and Edward's (and Jacob's) romance in plastic brick with this new 'Twilight'-inspired LEGO set.
A must-have for all Twilight fans, this 2001 piece LEGO set includes important details from the hit movie, seven tiny ...
A Twilight theory explains why Edward really fell for Bella, improving his character but turning his story with Bella into a tragedy.
As a result, there are plenty of movies out there with atrocious CGI. Even in the 2010s, when CGI technology was fairly ...