The Wolfman and The Wolf Man both provide a romantic interest for Lawrence, Gwen Conliffe, played by Emily Blunt in 2010 and Evelyn Ankers in 1941. Gwen symbolizes a life that could have been if ...
Universal Pictures’ reboot of its classic werewolf franchise—is new on digital streaming. Find out where you can watch it at ...
Wolf Man”—a reboot of Universal Pictures’ legendary werewolf franchise—appears to be headed to digital streaming. Find out ...
I had never seen the original Universal production of The Wolf Man, released in 1941 and directed by George Waggner. However, after loving Nosferatu and finding I got so much out of Eggers's ...
"Even A Man Who Is Pure ... May Become A Wolf When The Wolfbane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." The Universal series of The Wolfman Including The Wolfman (1941) and its sequel Frankenstein ...
This time, he delivers a unique spin on The Wolf Man (1941). There’s no gothic Wales setting or Larry Talbot here though. Whannell’s take on the lycanthrope story is different in nearly every way ...
I took a look at the reimagining of the Universal classic “The Wolf Man.” So, to coincide with the fresh take of the film, I wanted to take a look at the 1941 classic and the oft- ...
and the Invisible Man all had origins and sequels before The Wolf Man was released in 1941. Curiously, that film spawned no direct sequels of its own, with the character going on to appear in a ...
to honour George Waggner’s 1941 classic The Wolf Man, while turning an eye to modern preoccupations. And, most importantly, to modern fears. While its origins lie in a (now presumably revamped ...
Wolf Man” took home a modest $32.5 million at the worldwide box office when it released in theaters last month, but many may prefer to watch the horror film from home instead. The Christopher ...
Wolf Man' - Leigh Whannell attempts to modernize the Horror classic for new generations, turning it from its Gothic Horror ...