European banks recorded a ROE of 11,1%, but Italian banks stand out with a 15,7%, surpassing France and Germany (under 7%).
In Europe, stock markets are uncertain despite rising futures and after the Tokyo list closed at a 5-year high in Asia. Seoul ...
Donatella Versace, creative director of Medusa, will have her contract expire in February but, according to press rumors, she ...
Putin's Russia says yes to Fico's Slovakia's offer to provide a negotiating platform for talks with Ukraine. "Moscow - Putin ...
End-of-year rally or not, 2024 will go down as a year of great satisfaction for investors. The Nasdaq outclassed everyone ...
La bolsa italiana recupera impulso y es la maglia rosa de Europa. Destaca Stellantis. El precio del petróleo se está ...
意大利证券交易所重拾动力,成为欧洲的粉红球衣。斯特兰蒂斯脱颖而出。油价正在回升,突破每桶70美元。普京的话让气氛升温。华尔街和纳斯达克开始亏损 今天是欧洲今年最后一个交易日,收益和波动性是其特点 成交量出现减少由于期间放假。尽管受到股市疲弱走势的影响 ...
Après le vote de censure contre le chancelier Olaf Scholz et l'effondrement de sa coalition, des élections anticipées sont ...
Alessandro Spada, president of Assolombarda, underlines the need for a visionary industrial policy to face economic ...
In 2024, 25 projects worth over 2,3 billion euros were approved for the development of the national electricity grid. Among ...
A Milan, il ne sera plus possible de fumer même dans la rue. Seules les cigarettes électroniques autorisées La deuxième phase ...
在米兰,即使在街上也将不再可能吸烟。只允许携带电子烟 从 1 年 2025 月 XNUMX 日起, 在米兰 一项将生效 新的吸烟限制。从即日起,该服务将在米兰首都全市范围内提供 户外禁止吸烟 在所有公共区域,包括街道、道路和人行道,除非与他人保持至少 10 米的距离。但是,电子烟是允许的。该禁令是 空气质量监管第二阶段,该项目于 2021 年启动,旨在 减少细粉尘排放 并改善空气质量。尽管这一决定 ...