Reliability in the electric power industry formerly came from the ability to plan power systems with significant redundancy. Increasing competition and limited resources are forcing utilities to ...
Robotic technologies are an innovative way to assist utilities in their asset management programs. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is developing robots that will inspect transmission ...
Video monitoring is a key component of an electric utility’s comprehensive physical security plan. For utilities following NERC CIP 014 and the NERC Security Guideline for the Electricity Sector, a ...
Many people assume the Smart Grid is a revolutionary change to the operation of the electric grid. In reality, it is an incremental step in the long evolution of adding automation to the electric grid ...
Remote monitoring of substation equipment is used to take advantage of present information technology to reduce operating costs while loading that equipment closer to nameplate ratings and deferring ...
Abstract: Serial communications has been the mainstay for communication systems for more than a decade using RS232 and RS485 as the physical layer. However, the Ethernet juggernaut is enticing systems ...
The past year has seen a dramatic change in the metering market. Previously, utilities faced questions about cost-justifying Automated Meter Reading (AMR)—projects that reduced personnel and insurance ...
Utility and public interest in renewable integration within distribution networks has rapidly risen in popularity. For the public, general sentiments concerning global warming and the environment have ...
Advances in metering technology over the past three decades have made today’s AMR systems economically viable for utilities to use. Over the next five to 10 years most utilities will likely use some ...
System performance is an important aspect of the power utility business and is determined by how efficiently and effectively information is used and assimilated. Often power system decisions are made ...
Problems associated with poor installations of advanced meters have done tremendous damage to public perceptions about the utility industry. To those familiar with the challenges associated with ...
In a time driven by the adoption of renewable energy resources, we’re also experiencing new challenges with the way that power is supplied. Electric utilities and grid operators are tasked with ...