El Índice de Precios de los Productos Lácteos de la FAO del mes de junio de 1993 se situó en los 51.8 puntos, lo que supuso un incremento del 0.19% respecto a los 51.7 puntos del anterior índice del ...
Predicción meteorológica en España a través de informes y mapas interactivos con las previsiones para todas las estaciones de la red estatal de la AEMET. Consulta el tiempo previsto para hoy, mañana y ...
The origin price of Gallo Fish (Lepidorhombus boscii) along the week from 21 to 27 of March 2011 reached the 4.1 euros per kilogram, which meant a increase of 2.5% in relation to price of the previous ...
La Zona de Importancia Comunitaria ZIC (ZEPA/ZEC) de las Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas cuenta con 209.929,92 hectáreas protegidas, goza de la declaración de Zona de Importancia Comunitaria ...
The origin price of Pork First meat along the week from 3 to 9 of July 2023 reached the 2.49 euros per kilogram, which meant an increase of 0.4% in relation to price of the previous week, that was ...
The origin price of Pork First meat along the week from 6 to 12 of July 2020 reached the 1.62 euros per kilogram, remaining unchanged with respect to the price of the previous week. This 1.62€/kg are ...
The FAO Cereal Price Index of the month of June 2020 reached the 97.3 points, which meant a decline of -0.71% in relation to previous mensual index of May, that was 98 points (-0.7 pts), and was ...
The origin price of Veal, First A meat along the week from 9 to 15 of December 2013 reached the 4.11 euros per kilogram, which meant an increase of 0.49% in relation to price of the previous week, ...
This is an application developed and maintained by Boletín Agrario, so it should be considered as such for review and intellectual property purposes. The data used corresponds to that published by:: ...
No te pierdas los eventos y convocatorias más importantes en el ámbito de las actividades agroalimentarias, el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo Rural. Ferias y encuentros tanto regionales como de ...