At its core, “Twilight” revolves around Bella Swan, a seemingly uninteresting, quiet and awkward teenager, a relatable feeling for anyone who survived high school, living in Forks, Washington, the ...
The Twilight Saga is like a glittery snack—sweet at first, easy to indulge in, but after a while, you start questioning if it ...
It’s even rarer for that to happen twice, and yet, for Robert Pattinson, it did. Pattinson starred as Edward Cullen in the ...
Robert Pattinson has had it with the Twilight haters. “I love that people keep telling me, ‘Man, Twilight ruined the vampire ...
Robert Pattinson is brushing off continued criticism of the ‘Twilight’ movies, saying, ‘Are you still stuck on that s––t?’ ...
LEGO is also showing no signs of slowing down, with more and more products releasing each month. Popular themes like Harry ...
But the truth about these eyeshadow sticks is that they're truly such a unique makeup purchase. I can't wait to play with ...
The Twilight LEGO Set Is Here, And I’m Obsessed For So Many Reasons. I’ll admit it, I haven’t purchased the set that is now ...
or Twilight’s Edward Cullen. Instead, Orlok has unusually pointy ears on which tufts of hair sprout, long claw-like fingers, a glassy unblinking stare and two sharp, protruding front teeth.
Rumours that Lewis Hamilton could reunite with former trainer Angela Cullen at Ferrari have gone into overdrive after an eye-catching social media post. Hamilton is preparing for his first season ...
He rose to fame globally with The Twilight saga, appearing as Edward Cullen for the first time in Twilight (2008). Before Twilight he had done a notable role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the ...
AUBURN — That a program record for shooting was broken in Tuesday’s game suits the Edward Little girls basketball team’s recent run of success well. Rachel Penny became the Red Eddies ...