Mattel, the powerhouse behind the iconic Barbie doll, released a special edition Barbie to commemorate Aaliyah's birthday.
Mattel Creations launched the new doll on January 16, on what would have been the late R&B singer’s 46th birthday. In 2001, ...
"We made sure to make the doll as accurate as we possibly could,” Rashad Haughton, Aaliyah’s brother, tells Vanity Fair.
Mattel, the powerhouse behind the iconic Barbie doll, released a special edition Barbie to commemorate Aaliyah's birthday.
Fashion Queen Barbie and Skipper in Carry Case with Extensive on sale, Skipper Highlight Reel Skipper Doll Cases Confessions of a Doll on sale, 1964 Barbie and Skipper Doll Carrying Case Play Gray ...
The Aaliyah doll has been released as a part of the Barbie Music Collector Series, which has included collectible dolls of ...
Late R&B singer Aaliyah is being celebrated with a new Barbie doll made in her likeness, unveiled by Mattel on what would ...
Aaliyah's brother, Rashad Haughton, speaks with PEOPLE about the creation process behind the R&B star's brand-new Barbie.
Aaliyah's brother, Rashad Houghton, worked with the Barbie design team to bring the R&B singer's doll to life.
Mattel released a new Aaliyah Barbie, dressed in a faux leather outfit inspired by her "One in a Million” music video.
Aaliyah has been officially immortalized in a Barbie doll for what would’ve been her 46th birthday. The doll is part of the ...
The Aaliyah Barbie doll is inspired by her iconic "One in a Million" music video. The figure is dressed in a black faux ...