Nick Fury vs Fin Fang Foom #1 hits stores Wednesday as Marvel's top spy faces his biggest challenge yet. Can Fury and the ...
Marvel Comics releases Nick Fury Vs. Fing Fang Foom #1 on Wednesday, and you can sink your fangs into the official preview of the one-shot comic from J. Michael Straczynski below… THE HOWLING ...
Battlestar Galactica might have fumbled its ending, but Babylon 5 is the perfect cure-all for fans seeking a complete sci-fi ...
J. Michael Strazcynski is in the midst of a Marvel Comics victory lap of sorts, writing a series of one-shots that put together characters who rarely cross paths, including some extremely unlikely ...
Spider-Man has been around for over 60 years, and with a history that long it’s understandable that not every story is going ...
Thanks to meme culture, Lex Luthor's most unexpected crime outside DC Comics became Superman's arch-nemesis greatest legacy.
Babylon 5 is literally the fifth space station at the center of the show's intergalactic setting, but what happened to the ...
(Image Source: Marvel / Bernard Chang) This is a clever conceit on the part of J. Michael Straczynski, which explains away years of mischaracterization in the Thor comics. Some writers wrote ...
As Captain America unites with the Asgardian gods, Steve Rogers gets upgraded armor that shows fans what he'd look like as a deity.
Captain America is suddenly summoned straight into an unlikely pairing in Captain America & Volstagg #1. Written by J.
Spider-Man's "Last Stand" outfit gave fans one of the coolest Spider-Man costumes in Marvel history, and while both the story ...