It’s hard to think of a less popular insect than the yellowjacket, maligned because they can sting. First, I should be clear that “yellowjacket” is an imprecise, generic common name that conceals a ...
The Ground Nesting Bees project has surpassed 5,000 observations, a laudable milestone for the citizen science project.
Frogs have speckled and bumpy backs to become indistinguishable from the rocky and mossy ground they call home. Some animals, however, take the art of camouflage to a higher level. Stick insects earn ...
Vampire bats rely on amino acids from their blood diet to fuel their exercise, scientists discovered after observing the ...
Leaving leaf litter on lawns can benefit overwintering insects, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert said.
Each is strung on greased wire a few metres off the ground, which protects them from badgers and insects, but also means they ...
Farmers in New York State’s Hudson Valley are using techniques that return carbon to the earth and restore soil health.
Egrets can be seen year-round in Southeast Texas, but they usually won't pay much attention to humans. Homayoun said the ...
Glacier FarmMedia - While mustard growers face many of the same agronomic challenges as canola growers, they often find ...
Loopworm is ramping up production at a facility in Bangalore capable of churning out 6,000t of silkworm and black soldier fly ...
APIS Rescue's work with honey bees in Louisville area ...
The oriental fruit fly, which is native to South Asia, poses a risk to several crops and plants grown in California.