Gubernatorial candidates are trying to win over the votes of Anies Baswedan supporters in the Jakarta regional election.
Articles on power wheeling prevent the legislation of a New and Renewable Energy Bill. State electricity company PLN’s unique ...
China’s economic crisis has the potential to spread around the world. It can kill industries and manufactured goods in many ...
News summary on the conflict of interest of KPK leadership candidates and 44 ministries in Prabowo’s government.
The power wheeling scheme is important to end the monopoly in the supply of electricity. It could accelerate the energy ...
There is a strong aroma of politics around the appointment of Saifullah Yusuf as Minister for Social Affairs. President ...
Pramono Anung and Ridwan Kamil shed light on the dynamics surrounding their appointments as Jakarta gubernatorial candidates.
Foreign companies are urging President Joko Widodo to implement the power wheeling scheme. The private sector is pushing to ...
Police uncover baby trafficking syndicate operating in Java-Bali since 2023. Five babies were already sold.
The business of digital signatures and e-stamps is booming, as regulations push digital certificate providers to rake in ...
The quota for rooftop solar power plant installations is nearly exhausted. Demand from both industry and households is ...
The Language Agency uses artificial intelligence to preserve endangered regional languages, starting with the creation of a ...