Xena, once known as "Destroyer of Nations," tries to redeem herself by fighting for the greater good. On her quest, she meets Gabrielle, a small town bard hungry for adventure. Together, they take ...
She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle. The power...the passion...the danger. Her courage will change the world."Xena: Warrior Princess ran from 1995 until 2001 on NBC and ...
It's time to sing that iconic warrior battle cry, because 2025 is the 30th anniversary of one of television's greatest ...
Lucy Lawless,56, remains a fan favourite, after having rose to global fame in 1995 as the fierce heroine in Xena: Warrior Princess. The show is a spin-off of the television series Hercules ...
She's been a mythical warrior, a cyborg, and a demon from hell. Now, Lawless plays a private detective from New Zealand with a fondness for justice and baking bread. Lucy Lawless is well aware of ...
The show is a spin-off of the television series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys in which Xena was a recurring character originally scheduled to die in her third appearance. But the character's ...