Susquehanna 1 and 2 in Berwick, Luzerne County, will receive follow-up visits to determine recommended corrective actions ...
A nuclear power renaissance—driven in part by power-hungry AI data centers—has revived a thorny problem: what to do with the ...
The Supreme Court will consider a dispute over the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's license allowing thousands of metric ...
For decades, America's energy debate has been stuck in a loop. The conversation lurches between ambitious calls for ...
Curio's soup-to-nuts business model- nuclear waste reprocessing, isotope sales, waste disposition, and new reactor design-may ...
Responding to Trump’s Ayatollah letter, senators emphasize need for military option for Iranian nuclear program ...
Countries want to squeeze more electricity from ageing power plants to help meet global demand, but the strategy has its own ...
It might have seemed like one of the weirder headlines of 2024: Microsoft is paying $1.6 billion to restart Three Mile Island. That's the nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania whose reactor #2 had a ...
During World War II, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation was the site of testing grounds where early scientists were trying to ...
If nuclear power is to thrive as an energy source, the power of artificial intelligence must be harnessed to make it better.