The film follows the life of a Belfast family in the late 1960s as the Troubles broke out. Movie stars, including Jamie Dornan, Caitríona Balfe and Ciarán Hinds, have joined Sir Kenneth Branagh ...
Rows of red brick terraced houses, streets filled with children playing, hide lives of hardship in this programme focussing on the poverty and housing conditions in Belfast - often underreported ...
The Kneecap movie has been nominated for six Bafta awards including in the prestigious ‘Outstanding British Film’ category.
Bestselling children’s author Derek Keilty has told of his excitement at the prospect that his popular Ivy Newt book series could be turned into a movie. The Belfast writer will travel to the US this ...
he Belfast Experience is a lyrical documentary on contemporary Belfast City life focusing on architecture, design, landscape. It follows a day in the life of a German artist visiting the city in ...
A plane spotter could hardly believe what he was witnessing when an Aer Lingus flight landed heavily on Sunday at Belfast City Airport — skidding down the runway in a shower of sparks.